What country has NASA not allowed to work with since 2011 because of concerns over security?

NASA puzzle pieces being put together by a diverse set of hands

Credit: NASA Applied Sciences Program.

Communities around the globe are facing ecology challenges, including poor air and water quality, sea level ascension, extreme oestrus, and more. Marginalized communities, particularly in the poorest and most vulnerable areas, deport the burden of these challenges.

According to the U.S. EPA, environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful interest of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. Forth with environmental justice, the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council farther defines environmental justice communities as "geographic locations within the U.Due south. and its territories with significant representation of persons of color, low-income persons, indigenous persons or members of Tribal nations, where such individuals experience, or are at risk of experiencing, higher or more than adverse human health or environmental outcomes."Climate justice, which is related to ecology justice, is an acknowledgement that climate modify can outcome in poor and marginalized communities having a disproportionate exposure and vulnerability to environmental impacts, specially in developing countries.

This Backgrounder provides information about how NASA data are beingness used to support environmental and climate justice efforts along with use cases showing how scientists and decision-makers are applying a wide combination of datasets to appraise the vulnerability and exposure of communities to environmental challenges. By providing full and open access to the data, software, and tools available through NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information Organisation (EOSDIS), the agency ensures that anyone can use these resource. In addition, NASA's Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) serves equally an "Information Gateway" between the socioeconomic and Globe science data and information domains, and provides easy-to-utilize information in tabular and spatial formats derived from NASA Globe observation data, demography data, and other government data sources. These integrated datasets tin be used to provide a amend understanding of ecology issues and support environmental decision-making to ensure fair and equal handling for communities.

Using NASA Earth Observation Data to Support Environmental Justice

NASA is making a long-term delivery to create an inclusive open science community, and the agency'southward Earth Science Segmentation (ESD) supports environmental justice communities by expanding awareness, accessibility, and utilise of Globe science information. NASA also is working with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academia, industry, and other federal agencies to identify readily available World science datasets that can exist integrated with social science datasets to enable transdisciplinary scientific discipline. The bureau is leveraging existing partnerships with EPA, NOAA, Mercy Corps, Conservation International, and others to address environmental justice challenges and to share resources and cognition. More information about SMD environmental justice goals is available on the SMD Equity and Ecology Justice webpage.

Through open-source science initiatives, NASA'southward Earth Scientific discipline Information Systems (ESDS) Program is making NASA Earth science data more interoperable, transparent, usable, and open up. ESDS strives to broaden the impact of NASA's Earth science information past engaging with a various community that can use these information for societal benefit and by providing a wealth of resources that can be utilized to meliorate sympathize environmental and climate-related injustices around the world. Providing these resource fully, openly, and without brake increases access to cognition and expands opportunities for new voices to participate in the scientific process. Additionally, sharing the data, code, and knowledge associated with the scientific process lowers barriers to entry for historically underrepresented communities and enables inquiry to be more broadly reproduced.

How NASA Information Help Address Environmental Justice

Along with basis-based observations and field campaigns, NASA uses sensors aboard satellites and shipping to obtain measurements about Globe's atmosphere, oceans, state, and life. When coupled with socioeconomic information near race, ethnicity, poverty, and health, these observations can help identify environmental challenges that disproportionally impact specific communities. Through NASA's Practical Sciences Plan, many of these observations are incorporated into efforts to meliorate the environmental quality of life in communities around the world. The following use cases highlight how Earth observations are being used to place areas of environmental injustice and aid decision-makers in their response.

Tropical Cyclones

Hurricane Maria and Electricity Recovery in Puerto Rico—A asymmetric share of long-duration power failures occurred in rural communities

In September 2017, Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico as a Category 4 storm, devastating the isle. Maria was the third costliest hurricane in U.South. history, and the isle continues to experience its furnishings. Loftier wind coupled with a storm surge of 6-ix feet destroyed homes and businesses and flooded many towns. This devastation acquired i of the longest electrical power blackouts in U.S. history.

NASA researchers used Twenty-four hours/Nighttime Ring (DNB) data from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) aboard the joint NASA/NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) satellite, information from the NASA/USGS Landsat series of satellites, and OpenStreetMap information to monitor restoration of electric power across the island. They likewise integrated socioeconomic data of the neighborhoods afflicted by power outages with the satellite information. An analysis by Universities Space Inquiry Clan scientist Dr. Miguel Román and his colleagues found that 41% of Puerto Rico's rural municipalities experienced prolonged periods of outage, compared with 29% of urban areas. In the six months later Hurricane Maria, Puerto Ricans lost an estimated 3.nine billion hours of access to electric power, with rural communities bookkeeping for 61% of this loss. In the mountainous interior of the island, some residents went without power for more than four months.

The interactive NASA Worldview comparison prototype below uses Suomi NPP/VIIRS DNB imagery to show the departure in electrical power beyond Puerto Rico before Hurricane Maria (September 13, 2017; left paradigm) and later the storm (October xxx, 2017; correct image).

Read more: Night Lights Show Tiresome Recovery from Maria, NASA Earth Observatory, December 13, 2018.

    View the Earthdata Nighttime Lights Backgrounder for additional data near the employ of nighttime lights data and for information on the VIIRS DNB and Blackness Marble datasets, including directly links to these information.

    Body of water Level Rise

    Norfolk, Virginia, and Body of water Level Rise—A asymmetric share of afflicted communities have a population that primarily identifies equally Black, low-income, or both

    GMSL is the average height of the entire ocean surface and is increasing at a rate of 3.4 mm/yr. Global mean sea level rise is caused primarily by two factors related to global warming: the added water from melting land-based ice sheets and glaciers and the expansion of seawater as it warms. Credit: NASA.

    Global Mean Sea Level is the average meridian of the entire ocean surface and is increasing approximately iii.4 mm/year. Global hateful body of water level rise is caused primarily past ii factors related to global warming: h2o added to the body of water from melting land-based ice sheets and glaciers and the expansion of seawater as it warms. Credit: NASA GSFC/PO.DAAC.

    Global mean sea level (GMSL) is rising approximately three.4 millimeters (0.13 inches) a twelvemonth, a charge per unit that has grown by i-2 millimeters (0.04-0.08 inches) per year in most regions over the past century. Because of waves and tides, it'due south not possible to "see" a few millimeters of sea level ascent a year but by looking at the ocean. However, littoral communities are experiencing the effects through impacts including flooding, erosion, and salinization. Norfolk, VA, is one of these coastal communities. Norfolk, home to the earth'southward largest naval base of operations, is one of several municipalities comprising Virginia's Hampton Roads region, which has a population of more than 1.eight million. The sea level around Hampton Roads is rising 4-5 mm/year, according to NOAA data, in role because the land in this region is sinking.

    Pairing satellite data, such as bounding main surface height information caused past the TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, Body of water Surface Topography Mission (OSTM)/Jason-two, Jason-3, and Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellites, with socioeconomic data, such as information from the U.S. Census Bureau, EPA, and SEDAC (including population and U.South. Census statistics of race and poverty level), tin can show the disparity between communities being impacted. These data from multiple sources can be integrated to enable scientists and metropolis managers to consider social as well as scientific impacts when making decisions nearly mitigation strategies.

    In the interactive Worldview image below, socioeconomic data available through SEDAC are combined with sea surface height anomaly data to show the loftier population density of the Hampton Roads region and the anomalously high sea surface height. The sea surface height depicted in the image is derived from a combination of satellite altimetry data and historical sea level measurements from tide gauges to create a sea surface peak anomaly dataset spanning 1950 through 2009.

    Read more: Helping Cities Stay Dry When Sea Levels Rising, NASA Applied Sciences, Infinite for U.S.

      View the Earthdata Sea Level Modify Data Pathfinder for additional information nigh datasets used to assess sea level alter, including direct links to these information.

      Water Availability

      Navajo Nation and Water Resources—At least seventy,000 Navajo Nation residents do not have access to beverage water in their homes

      A remote area in which managing water resources is difficult is the Navajo Nation, which covers more than 70,000 square kilometers (27,000 square miles) in northern Arizona, southern Utah, and northern New United mexican states (an surface area roughly the size of the U.S. state of West Virginia). The reservation, with a 2010 Demography population of 173,667, is dealing with periods of astringent drought coupled with a lack of domestic water infrastructure and economic resources. According to the 2010 U.South. Census, at least 70,000 Navajo Nation residents do not have access to potable water in their homes.

      Map shows six-month standardized precipitation index (SPI), an estimate of how much recent rainfall has been above or below the long-term average for the period (in this case, September 30, 2019, to April 1, 2020) within the Navajo Nation, U.S. Southwest. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory.

      DSAT map showing six-month SPI within the Navajo Nation for September 30, 2019, to April 1, 2020. Cherry-red areas bespeak rainfall below the long-term boilerplate; blue areas indicate rainfall above the long-term average. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory.

      In partnership with the Navajo Nation, NASA DEVELOP (part of NASA's Practical Sciences Program) supported the creation of a computer awarding chosen the Drought Severity Cess Tool (DSAT). DSAT integrates atmospheric precipitation information from NASA'south Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and the joint NASA/Nihon Aerospace Exploration Bureau Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Cadre Observatory with other sources to provide Navajo Nation water resources managers reservation-wide historic and near real-time data about their h2o resources. The tool calculates Standard Atmospheric precipitation Index (SPI), which is calculated based on a 30-year average of precipitation and is an indication of how much an area's precipitation deviates from normal. The SPI is used past Navajo Nation water resource managers to identify areas in the reservation experiencing drought and the severity of this drought. These reports make up one's mind how Navajo Nation financial resources are allocated to mitigate drought.

      NASA'due south Western Water Applications Role continues this endeavor through the Navajo Nation Drought Projection. The project aims to supplement electric current data sources with infinite-based observations to back up water resources management in the Navajo Nation.

      The Drought Severity Evaluation Tool showing the six-month Standardized Precipitation Index displayed as a map across the Navajo Nation, with warmer colors representing drought conditions. These maps can be used to make mitigation decisions, especially in drought emergencies. Credit: NASA/Amber McCullum.

      DSET map showing the six-calendar month SPI within the Navajo Nation. Warmer colors (red, yellow) indicate drought conditions. DSAT and DSET maps tin can be used to make mitigation decisions, especially in drought emergencies. Credit: NASA/Amber McCullum.

      DSAT has transitioned into a more robust tool, the Drought Severity Evaluation Tool (DSET). Along with TRMM and GPM data, DSET also incorporates data from Landsat (vegetation indices, water indices, and surface reflectance) and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard NASA'south Terra and Aqua satellites (vegetation indices, water indices, evapotranspiration, land surface temperature, and surface reflectance).

      Read more:

      • Navajo Nation Manages a Scarce Resources: Water, NASA Practical Sciences, August 28, 2020.
      • A Drought Monitoring Tool for Customized Calculation of a Standardized Precipitation Index Value in the Navajo Nation, Cheryl Cary, Amber Brooks, Clayton Sodergren, and Vickie Ly, DEVELOP, Spring 2015.
      • Using NASA Earth Scientific discipline Data to Help Manage Water Resources in the Navajo Nation: A Data Chat with Vickie Ly, Josh Blumenfeld, ESDS, Feb half dozen, 2017.

      View the Earthdata Agriculture and Water Resources Data Pathfinder for additional information on datasets used to assess water resources, including direct links to these information.

      Extreme Rut

      Farthermost Oestrus in New York City—Higher incidences of rut-related deaths in New York Metropolis occur in neighborhoods with high poverty and in historical neighborhoods of colour

      Oestrus waves are periods of abnormally hot (and possibly boiling) atmospheric condition lasting a few days to weeks at a fourth dimension. According to the U.s.a. Global Change Inquiry Plan, heat waves are occurring more oftentimes in major cities across the nation. In fact, the number of heat waves per year in major cities tripled between 1960 and 2010. Urban heat islands play a role in these extreme oestrus events. Urban heat islands occur in areas containing more than impervious surfaces (such every bit buildings and paved areas) and fewer natural environments (such every bit parks and open space). The 24-hour interval and night surface temperatures are higher in urban heat islands than in surrounding areas since these impervious surfaces absorb and retain heat. During rut waves, this can lead to greater numbers of rut-related illnesses and deaths. Data on surface temperature and vegetative alter are nerveless past a number of satellite-borne sensors, including MODIS, VIIRS, and instruments aboard the Landsat series of satellites. These information tin can be used to help cities mitigate the heat stresses for residents, especially in a warming climate.

      The left image shows temperature, ranging from blue (warm) to yellow (hot). The right shows vegetation from beige (sparse) to deep green (dense). A comparison of the images shows that where vegetation is dense, temperatures are cooler. Urban heat islands are worst where there is little or no vegetation. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory.

      Temperature and vegetation images of the New York City v borough region showing how areas with high vegetation can assistance mitigate urban oestrus isle furnishings.Left image: Map with an overlay of temperature ranging from warm (darker colors) to hot (brighter colors). Right image: Map with an overlay of vegetation cover ranging from sparse (lighter colors) to dense (darker colors). Note how areas with denser vegetation (such as the rectangle indicating Manhattan'south Primal Park just above the center of both images) is libation than the surrounding built-upwards area. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory.

      NASA'southward Practical Sciences Wellness and Air Quality Program worked with New York State officials and scientists to determine when high temperatures started to negatively touch human being wellness in New York State. The results showed that the state's threshold for alerting the public to farthermost heat events needed updating. "Our enquiry found that the health effects associated with temperature in our region actually occurred at lower temperatures than the National Weather Service criteria, which were based on studies in hotter areas of the U.Southward.," explained Dr. Tabassum Insaf, the research director at the New York State Section of Health'due south Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology. "Nosotros worked with the local National Weather Service [office]—they accept been bang-up collaborators—and they were very receptive to our research."

      Dr. Christian Braneon, a remote sensing specialist at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the co-director of the Ecology Justice and Climate Just Cities Network at Columbia University'due south Earth Plant, has studied this outcome in New York City, and plant a articulate overlap in historical neighborhoods of color and higher surface temperatures. Dr. Braneon stresses the need to sympathise the distribution of rut inside a socioeconomic lens.

      "It's not chance that some communities are taking on a disproportionate burden when it comes to extreme heat," Braneon says. "This is due to racist policies in the past, like segregation and redlining, at least in role, and then we have this astonishing opportunity to use all of the datasets at our disposal to undo some of this inequity and create equity." Braneon is working with New York City officials to develop land cover strategies to mitigate heat.

      Read more than: NASA Helps New Yorkers Cope with Summer Swelter, Steve Cole, NASA Headquarters, June 22, 2018.

        View the Earthdata Disasters Extreme Heat Data Pathfinder for additional information on datasets used to assess farthermost heat, including straight links to these information.

        Health and Air Quality

        Air Pollution in Washington, D.C.—Exposure to harmful air pollutants is higher in areas that take historically had higher percentages of people of colour also every bit residents with lower household incomes and lower educational attainment

        Air pollution kills an estimated seven million people every year, according to the United nations, making it one of the biggest ecology health risks of our fourth dimension. While regulations in the U.Southward. have improved air quality, many cities still face wellness-related problems due to air pollution. Suspended particulate matter 2.5 microns or less in diameter (designated PM2.five) can penetrate deep into the lungs, causing respiratory issues and other health concerns (in comparison, a homo hair is about 50 to 70 microns in diameter). PM2.5 levels in Washington, D.C., have declined by roughly fifty% since 2000; however, the health benefits take not been equal across the city.

        In a contempo study, researchers from George Washington University, the D.C. government, Boston University, Washington University in St. Louis, and Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada, correlated health record data with air quality information acquired past instruments aboard NASA satellites and ground-based stations maintained past the D.C. Department of Free energy and Environment. The research squad constitute that exposure to PM2.5 was greater in areas of the city that had college percentages of people of color as well as residents with lower household incomes and lower educational attainment.

        Map shows areas that generally have higher rates of PM2.5-attributable mortality. Rates of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, and stroke were five times higher in DC's southeastern quadrant compared to those from its northwestern quadrant. Rates of ischemic heart disease were nine times higher, and asthma-caused emergency room visits were 30 times higher. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory.

        Map of Washington, D.C., showing areas that generally accept college rates of PM2.v-attributable mortality. Elevated rates of PM2.v-attributed mortality correlate with areas having a college proportion of Black residents, such as the city's southeast quadrant (correct side of map). Credit: NASA Globe Observatory.

        The satellite PMtwo.5 dataset was developed by researchers from Washington Academy in St. Louis and Dalhousie University using observations from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Terra and Aqua satellites, the Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) aboard Terra, and the Body of water-viewing Broad Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWIFS) aboard the OrbView-2 (SeaStar) satellite. They besides incorporated information from NASA's Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS)-Chem model, which is a global 3-D model of atmospheric chemistry. Researchers establish that rates of pulmonary disease and stroke were five times higher in D.C.'south poorer southeastern quadrant compared with rates from its more affluent northwestern quadrant. Additionally, rates of ischemic eye disease, in which the heart does not receive enough blood and oxygen, were nine times higher and asthma-related emergency room visits were 30 times higher in the city's southeast quadrant.

        Read more: An Extra Air Pollution Brunt, NASA World Observatory, Nov nine, 2021.

        View the Earthdata Health and Air Quality Data Pathfinder for additional information on datasets used to appraise air quality, including directly links to these data.

        Urban Flooding

        A NASA SEDAC report created a tool to assist place flood-vulnerable communities in Harris County, Texas, and inform the equitable prioritization of flood resilience activities, focusing on communities most-at-need

        Harris Canton is the third about populous county in the U.S. and is home to the fourth most populous U.S. city—Houston. If the City of Houston were a state, its 2020 Census population of 2.iii one thousand thousand would rank it 36th in size based on population, placing it behind Kansas and ahead of New United mexican states.

        Urban sprawl in Harris County's urban core and in adjacent areas is making the county more prone to flooding due to increased precipitation, its low topography, and state-use change. Between 1997 and 2017, approximately 200-square miles of land in Houston were adult and 30% of Houston'southward wetland area was lost due to development. This rapid urbanization and land utilise modify has caused the loss of spongy, h2o retaining marshes and prairies that helped contain periodic flooding, increasing the urban center'south flood adventure and the number of residents exposed to the threat of flooding.

        "Everyone in Harris Canton deserves flood protection, but we don't accept whatever tools in identify to be able to sympathise where those worst hit areas are and where nosotros have those pockets of highest vulnerability," says Iris Gonzalez, director of Houston'southward Coalition for Environment, Equity & Resilience (CEER). CEER is a nonprofit organization "committed to uniting and empowering people to protect and restore the natural resources of the Gulf Region."

        To help create a tool for assessing relative alluvion vulnerability across Harris County, NASA'southward SEDAC—in partnership with the International Research Plant for Climate and Society (IRI) at Columbia University—developed a flood vulnerability index for the county that captures social and economic factors influencing flood vulnerability at the highest spatial resolution.

        A multidimensional vulnerability approach was used to capture resilience and susceptibility to flooding, with the acknowledgement that what makes populations vulnerable differs over space. The projection began with a review of the literature on variables influencing overflowing vulnerability, followed by meetings with community stakeholders and experts to receive input on indicators applicable to Harris County. The SEDAC squad mapped and analyzed these individual vulnerability indicators, including percent of Harris County residents below the poverty line, number of single parent households, lack of net and vehicle admission, and lack of a high schoolhouse diploma. A set up of fifteen-indicators was selected and combined into an aggregate index. This allowed for spatial visualization of flood vulnerability at the block group level for Harris County and an analysis of relative flood vulnerability across the region.

        Left map: Racial make-up of the Greater Houston Metropolitan Area. Right map: Block group level Flood Vulnerability Index created by SEDAC and IRI. Darker colors (such as in north Houston) indicate regions of higher flood vulnerability. Note how the high percentage of Black (red) and Hispanic (blue) communities shown in the left-side map correspond with areas with high flood vulnerability shown in the right-side map. The red outline near the center of the right map indicates the Kashmere Gardens community.

        Left map: Racial make-upward of the Greater Houston Metropolitan Area. Right map: Block group level Flood Vulnerability Alphabetize created by SEDAC and IRI. Darker colors (such as in n Houston) indicate regions of higher overflowing vulnerability. Note how the high percentage of Blackness (carmine) and Hispanic (blue) communities shown in the left-side map correspond with areas with college flood vulnerability shown in the correct-side map. The crimson outline nigh the center of the right map indicates the Kashmere Gardens community. Maps from Understanding Flood Vulnerability: A Case Study of Harris County StoryMap produced by SEDAC.

        In evaluating the flood vulnerability index, the SEDAC and IRI team looked specifically at 1 community—Kashmere Gardens, a Black and low-wealth customs in Houston's urban core. Equally a potential indicator of flood vulnerability, this community had one of the highest numbers of loftier-water rescue calls during Hurricane Harvey in 2017. SEDAC and IRI's inundation vulnerability map corresponds with this, likewise showing this customs to be amid the highest in relative flood vulnerability within Harris County. Additionally, the higher resolution of the SEDAC and IRI map shows nuances and pockets of greater vulnerability not evident in lower resolution social vulnerability maps, such equally a similar map produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

        Information technology is critical that equity and justice are primal to the policies, programs, and controlling processes that make up one's mind which communities go invested in—made more than alluvion-resilient—and which do not. "Using high resolution information and engaging community stakeholders to select vulnerability indicators representative of conditions within a community can assistance meet this need, ultimately helping advance environmental and social justice," says Colleen Neely, who holds an MPA in ecology scientific discipline and policy from Columbia Academy and performed this research every bit a graduate educatee.

        Read more than: Understanding Flood Vulnerability: A Instance Study of Harris County, NASA SEDAC, April twenty, 2021.

        View the Earthdata Floods Data Pathfinder for boosted information on datasets used to assess pre-flood atmospheric condition and flood inundation mapping, including directly links to these data.

        Supporting Denizen Science and Scientists through Projects Furthering Environmental Justice

        A LOCSS partner installs a gauge in one of Bangladesh's seasonal lakes, called a haor. Credit: LOCSS.

        A LOCSS partner installs a estimate in one of Bangladesh's seasonal lakes, chosen a haor. Credit: LOCSS.

        The ESDS Denizen Science for Earth Systems Program (CSESP) supports public involvement in numerous NASA-funded projects with a focus on environmental justice.

        The Lake Observations from Denizen Scientists and Satellites (LOCSS) CSESP projection is a global effort to explore how water levels in lakes is changing. As role of this projection, citizen scientists are extending the resolution and coverage of data on the level of lakes in Bangladesh that are of import for drinking water, flood command, and food, especially in underserved communities. LOCSS data contributed to the Bangladesh authorities's exploration of ways to improve water security more deservedly for residents along with the government's investment in a country-wide network of 50 gauges to monitor the impact of the Delta Plan 2100 using LOCSS-derived techniques.

        Some other CSESP projection, Community Eyes on River Water ice, is partnering with Alaska indigenous tribes and other stakeholders to produce a long-term dataset to inform tribal climate adaptation planning for irresolute river ice conditions. Warmer winters have rapidly contradistinct freshwater water ice weather condition in Alaskan river basins. Changes in ice thickness and the timing of freeze-up and break-up influence hydrology, ecosystems, winter travel rubber, access to subsistence resources, and spring ice-jam flooding. The project aims to expand existing freshwater water ice monitoring efforts within Alaska using a culturally-responsive citizen science model to increment the spatial extent and frequency of observations and expand the diversity of participants collecting these information. The work is being conducted through a partnership with the Tanana Chiefs Conference (a regional Alaska Native nonprofit charged with advancing tribal cocky-determination and enhancing regional native unity across 42 member tribes in interior Alaska), the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the National Weather Service Alaska Pacific River Forecast Center, and NASA GLOBE Observer.

        Finally, the CSESP project Can Citizen Scientific discipline and Low-Cost Sensors Aid Improve Earth Arrangement Data? is recruiting denizen scientists, including those in ecology justice communities, to deploy a depression-cost fine particle (PMtwo.v) sensor network. Participants are located in ecology justice communities unduly impacted by major sources of air pollution such as petroleum refineries, ports and warehouses, and major highways.

        Information well-nigh these and other CSESP projects is available through the Earthdata website.

        Along with CSESP, some other NASA-supported citizen science endeavor is the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Surround (GLOBE) Program. World is an international science educational activity program that provides opportunities for students and the public to contribute to our understanding of the Globe organisation and global surround. NASA is the lead agency for GLOBE, with the U.South. State Department, NOAA, and the National Scientific discipline Foundation equally partners. A NASA-funded Globe initiative called Earth Mission Earth (GME) is a collaborative endeavor that includes partner academic institutions across the U.S., teachers, students, and citizen scientists. The GME goal is to meliorate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in disadvantaged student populations by encouraging participation in the GLOBE Program and through the utilization of NASA avails

        Green Door Initiative's Climate Organizers Leading Detroit (COLD) Project is a youth leadership development training focused on climate change. Students learn about the climate challenges facing them in Detroit. The Green Door Initiative focuses on improving infrastructure to help save neighborhoods in poverty. Credit: Green Door Initiative.

        Greenish Door Initiative'southward Climate Organizers Leading Detroit (COLD) Projection is a youth leadership development training initiative focused on climate change. Students acquire about the climate challenges facing them in Detroit. Credit: Green Door Initiative.

        Equally role of GME, Dr. David Padgett, a GLOBE trainer and an acquaintance professor of geography at Tennessee Country University (a GME partner), worked with Detroit'due south Green Door Initiative to design a climate justice learning experience for Detroit youth. Since its establishment in 2010, the Green Door Initiative has worked to foster environmental justice in Detroit and meliorate infrastructure to help save neighborhoods in poverty. Youths participating in the learning feel designed past Padgett used GLOBE observations along with NASA and other ecology data to compare the urban heat isle effect across Detroit communities. They found that the lowest-income neighborhoods and neighborhoods of color were disproportionately impacted.

        Finally, NASA Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) are part of the World Data System (WDS), which promotes the long-term stewardship of, and universal and equitable admission to, quality-assured scientific information and data services, products, and information across all disciplines in the natural and social sciences also every bit the humanities. NASA SEDAC deputy manager and WDS scientific committee chairperson Dr. Alex de Sherbinin led a task grouping to study the value of citizen science information and the information-related practices of the citizen science community. These data are high value for environmental justice and community empowerment, especially when combined with NASA and other secondary data.

        Published January 3, 2022


        Source: https://earthdata.nasa.gov/learn/backgrounders/environmental-justice

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